Free Designs

To the best of my knowledge all artwork that designs on this page are digitized from is copyright free.

Please feel free to download and use any of the designs for your personal use. You may sell any items you embroider said designs on, but please do not sell these designs, do not include them in any sets for sale. All artwork and digitizing copyrights remain with the artist. There is no warranty expressed or implied. These designs have NOT all been test stitched. WARNING! Do not stitch these designs directly on your project, test stitch first.

These are some simple butterflies that I did. I have them all included in one zip file
BUTTERFLIES.ZIP click on the name to download all three. To get a larger image of the designs click on the small images below. Butterfly3 was done with variegated thread. Butterfly2, I was experimenting, I stitched the body (black) then did a reverse search to back up to the first of the color and moved the design down diagonally 2 clicks and stitched the black body again. Then I stitched the dark puple wings and did a reverse search and moved the design up ONE click diagonally and stitched again. This gave an interesting effect. I personally like the the one click better than the two, but you may not want to do either one.

butterflies butterfly2 butterfly3

Please click on the design to download. The macaw picture will not exactly match the design, the tail on the design is now blue, instead of yellow, more realistic. I also had a little trouble with thread breakage on the outline around the eye area, so you might want to use lighter weight thread to outline. Feel free to critique the designs, but remember they are free. Really any suggestions at improving my digitizing skills would be appreciated.

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